Sunday, December 16, 2007
Romsys bought by New Frontier Holding
Horia Negulescu - senior country manager at Epicor Software Romania gives up his position for managing events
Fiecare are nevoie, din timp in timp, de o schimbare. Eu am simtit aceasta nevoie dupa 11 ani. Am mai multe planuri, dar toate la timpul lor. Deocamdata, vreau sa aloc un Pic mai mult timp familiei si celor doi copii ai meiand the translation (hopefully accurate):
Every man needs from the to time a change. I felt this need after 11 years. I have many plans, but every things has its time. For now, I want to dedicate more time for my family and my two children...I wish all the best for his new path... His place was taken by.... Diana Lungulescu (ex: sales and marketing manager) ... This came as a suprize for me... Congratulations for her new position at Epicor! Another thing I found interesting in the article was the fact that the main players in Romanian Business Software market are: SAP, Oracle, Siveco and Wizrom... I understand SAP, Oracle has some large clients, but Siveco? (maybe the contracts with the government got this position for them) and Wizrom ?!?! I don't quite understand this...
Monday, November 19, 2007
About London and Copenhagen
5 reasons for delaying a blog post
Interact with your 2 visitors (one of them got there by mistake mistyping a keyword while searching on Google). On my business related blog that's in Romanian (this supposed to be a personal blog and I hope it makes sense at least in Engrish) I have about a dozen drafts, and for some of them I've spent like hours composing/processing images for tutorials, criticism, sharing visions about how things should be, complaining about stuff (time, software, weather, mood, whatever)... So, you take a break and start to write a blog post... Then you realize that is gonna take you a lot more than 11 minutes to write it so you postpone it... If you don't publish it on the same day, you ain't gonna publish it...
1. Estimate too less time to write a blog post
2. You get interrupted Interruption leads to postponing / saving as a draft which will seat there for a long time.. There are some periods of time when you are overwhelmed with your daily tasks, projects, work and so on, so you don't take 5 minutes off to say how you feel... Looking back at some of my blog posts I remember how things were than; so that blog post is like a window to past.
3. Overwhelmed with things to do, ignore blog posting Have you ever taken a picture with your phone/camera and said: "This is for my blog..." and never actually publish it; things happened: you don't have an usb cable at-hand, transferred the pictures to another computer. Time passes and you never post that on your blog... If it's important to you, then do it asap. So 4 is:
4. Delayed action I don't have anything interesting to say... Well, there are no bloggers that write 100% high quality articles... And second, who cares? Your public/audience? It's a blog and the expect from you to say things. So I would say that this is:
5. Lack of interest There are many other reasons that can be similar to the ones above, but for me these are the main reasons for not writing a blog post. In the last 3 months I had a really hard time... Overwhelmed with work, got sick couple of times, had to go to Copenhagen for a week and delayed some projects, now I somehow back on a rescheduled plan... But I am tired and so I am not as productive as I can be and my moral isn't so great. It's a good thing I have found my limits, but not very happy about finding them in the way I did... So, this years goes towards and end and 2008 is coming up fast... Hopefully what I've achieved in the last months will count for a 2007 balance, for me and my company. Will get back on that later...
Friday, October 26, 2007
London - Day One
Monday, October 22, 2007
Convergence 2007 Day 1
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Convergence 2007 Copenhagen, Denmark
Friday, September 28, 2007
Oracle XE and PHP 5 on Windows
- using odbc
- oci8 extension available for both PHP 4 and PHP 5
- PDO (pdo_oci)
extension=php_oci8.dllNote: make sure extension_path is set correctly. php_oci8.dll depends on oci.dll. You can find oci.dll in oracle bin folder (something like \oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\BIN). Copy oci.dll in %WINDIR%\system32. Now restart apache web server. Sample connection script:
$ora_conn = oci_connect('hr','****','xe'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE"; $statement = oci_parse ($ora_conn, $sql); oci_execute ($statement); while ($row = oci_fetch_assoc($statement)) { print_r($row); } oci_free_statement($statement);And that's about it. PHP using PDO to access Oracle XE database Uncomment in php.ini the following lines:
extension=php_pdo.dll ;... extension=php_pdo_oci.dllAlso, see above note referring to oci.dll. Restart Apache web server. Sample script using PDO:
try { $dbh = new PDO('oci:host=localhost;dbname=xe', 'hr', '*****'); $rs = $dbh->query('SELECT * from EMPLOYEES WHERE ROWNUM<10'); if($rs) { foreach ($rs as $row) { print_r($row); } } $dbh = null; } catch (PDOException $e) { print 'Error!: ' . $e->getMessage(); die(); } }
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Aptana IDE - Adobe AIR support
Aptana recently released a plugin to support Adobe AIR development. Aptana IDE + Adobe® AIR™ is beta for now. The plugin is very usefull for HTML/Javascript development using Adobe Integrated Runtime. How to Install Aptana provides an update tool for plugins, so installations it's easy. More details can be found watching the screencast: Aptana: Introduction to Adobe AIR Good luck developing Adobe AIR applications! PS: You can win the trip of a lifetime! All you need to do is develop and submit an application. More details cand be found on Adobe website: Airderby
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Installing Adobe AIR on Windows Vista
1. Download Adobe AIR SDK from Adobe labs
2. Extract the archive to a designated folder, in our case E:\AIR. (I am using 7-zip
3. You need to set PATH environment variable to your Adobe AIR bin folder (E:\AIR\bin). To do that, right click on "My Computer" and click on Properties:
4. Click on Advanced system settings and then on the new window click on Environment Variables:
Select "PATH" and click Edit...
Then, type: ;E:\AIR\bin
Too few arguments.
adt -package ...
comes up, then Adobe AIR is installed on your system.
6. Now, to really run something on AIR. Open on your browser: Adobe AIR sample applications.
Download Fresh, which is an rss reader built using HTML/javascript/ajax & co and unzip it to E:\AIR\samples\Fresh.
The contents of the folder should look something like this:
Now open a console (if you closed the previous one) and type: e: (go to drive E: or whatever drive you used to unzip Adobe AIR sdk) and then type: cd E:\AIR\samples\Fresh.
Now type: adl application.xml:
And now we have Fresh running on AIR:
Monday, June 25, 2007
More details at: iPhoneDevCampPhoneDevCamp is an upcoming gathering, inspired by BarCamp, SuperHappyDevHouse, and MacHack, to develop web-based applications and optimize web sites for iPhone. It is a non-commercial event, organized by volunteers, with attendance free to all. By the completion of the weekend event, a number of iPhone-ready web applications and web sites will be launched to the public. The event will be held at the San Francisco offices of Adobe, and out-of-town guests are welcome.
Attendees will include web designers, developers, testers, and iPhone owners, all working together over the weekend to improve the web experience for iPhone. Development projects will include both solo and team efforts. While some attendees will wish to work solo during the event, we encourage attendees to team up, based on expertise, to work in ad-hoc project development teams. All attendees should be prepared to work on a development project during the event. You do not need to own an iPhone to attend (although, a large number of iPhones at the event will make the development and testing process much easier).
Attendees will be able to:
The event is being held the week following the public release of iPhone, to allow prospective attendees some time to acquire an iPhone. This also allows early-acquirers the opportunity to do some experimentation before attending the event.
- Create new web applications for iPhone.
- Optimize existing web applications for iPhone.
- Migrate Dashboard Widgets to web-based widgets for iPhone.
- Test and optimize web sites for iPhone.
iPhoneDevCamp is not affiliated with Apple, Inc.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
iPhone SDK - Safari, iPhone Apps = Web 2.0
revolutionary iPhone™ will run applications created with Web 2.0 Internet standards when it begins shipping on June 29. Developers can create Web 2.0 applications which look and behave just like the applications built into iPhone, and which can seamlessly access iPhone’s services, including making a phone call, sending an email and displaying a location in Google Maps. Third-party applications created using Web 2.0 standards can extend iPhone’s capabilities without compromising its reliability or security.Source: iPhone to Support Third-Party Web 2.0 Applications It's a very nice approach and a bold move. Basicly, now he have affordable internet access on mobile phones, so why not use that... I can't wait for iPhone to be available in Romania, too... Meanwhile you can track a list of iPhone applications:
Friday, March 30, 2007
Open-VPN on Windows Vista
route-method exe route-delay 2to your *.ovpn file (client.ovpn) Run as Administrator (right click) C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin\openvpn-gui.exe. (If you don't run it with admin privileges, the TAP adapter won't work) And that's it..