In a recently project that we had to finish (started by a different company, went for two years and wasn't finished yet) we handled with a lot of legacy code which used CodeIgniter as a web development framework...
Refactoring it is another discussion because it's a nice case study how not to generate html code in your controller (which containes over 12.000 lines of code - it's a right figure, we still have in svn the original file) and the entire application has 2 controllers - 12k lines of code x 2 (one for frontend and one for backend) and 2 views (pretty cool eh?).
Delivering fast results means no time rewrite an entire application... A nice feature we added is rss feeds. For that we used Zend Framework component Zend_Feed embeded in a CodeIgniter controller... Application structure is:
/ /system /system/application /system/application/controllers /system/codeigniter [...] /Zend /Zend/Feed .htaccess index.php
We included in the Zend folder only Zend_Feed and dependencies for this job... Tried to use a Package Maker for Zend Framework, but it does not seem to work (did not included EmailValidation and so on...) Setting up include_path: In index.php add the following line:
set_include_path(getcwd().PATH_SEPARATOR.'.');So when you call require_once 'Zend/something' - will work.
class Rss extends Controller { function Rss() { parent::Controller(); $this->load->helper('text'); $lang = $this->phpsession->get('lang'); if(empty($lang)){ $lang = 'ro'; } //... } /** * last 10 news * */ function news() { #load up zend feed require_once 'Zend/Feed.php'; $array = array( 'title' => 'FEED TITLE HERE', //required 'link' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], //required 'lastUpdate' => time(), // optional 'published' => time(), //optional 'charset' => 'utf8', // required 'description' => 'COMPANY NAME news feed', //optional 'author' => 'COMPANY NAME', //optional 'email' => '', //optional 'webmaster' => '', 'copyright' => 'All rights reserved COMPANY NAME', //optional 'image' => '', //optional 'generator' => 'myZFeed', // optional 'ttl' => '60' ); $fields = array('title','short_descr','descr'); $lang = $this->phpsession->get('lang'); if($lang=='en'){ //smart piece of code :) $sql_select_fields = array_reduce($fields,create_function('$v,$a','$a .= \'_en as \'.$a;$v.=\',\'.$a; return $v;')); } else { $sql_select_fields = ','.implode(',',$fields); } //table name, news in Romanian $table = 'noutati'; $limit = 10; $this->db->select('id '.$sql_select_fields.', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dt) as rss_timestamp'); $this->db->where('visible',1); $this->db->order_by("dt", "desc"); $query = $this->db->get($table,$limit); foreach ($query->result() as $row){ $array['entries'][] = array( 'title' => $row->title, //required 'link' => $this->config->config['base_url'].'/start/news_details/'.$row->id, 'description' => word_limiter($row->short_descr, 20), 'content' => $row->descr, 'lastUpdate' => $row->rss_timestamp ); } $rssFeedFromArray = Zend_Feed::importArray($array, 'rss'); $rssFeedFromArray->send(); } }That's it. Now you have a working rss feed in a CodeIgniter application powered by Zend_Feed :) Session is opened to questions :). Note: will not share the 12k lines of code file... Not sure about copyright and stuff....